ODAdata - Aid Information Management Systems (AIMS)

What is ODAdata?
ODAdata is a freelance consultancy group specializing in the implementation and administration of Aid Information Management Systems (AIMS). ODAdata provides tools & maps for better Donor Coordination & Harmonisation.
ODAdata toolsets are based on international best practices such as ODAmoz, the Mozambique Country Donor Atlas, and ODAnic, which includes the EU Bluebook. ODAnic and ODAmoz are the online accessible Official Development Assistance databases to Nicaragua and Mozambique, located at http://www.odamoz.org.mz and http://nic.odadata.eu, respectively.
ODAdata offers field tested Coordination & Harmonisation tools & services, which are essential for the implementation of the International Aid Effectiveness Agenda (e.g. Paris Declaration, EU Aid Effectiveness Package).
What do we offer?
Aid Information Management Systems (AIMS) offering following services:
- Donor Coordination & Harmonisation based on international best practices (ODAmoz/ EU Bluebooks)
- GIS Mapping of Donor Activities & Aid Flows – Country Donor Atlas & EU Bluebooks
- Monitoring of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness
- Public Finance Management (MTEF/ External Finance Component (On -Budgeting)
- Institution Building
- Capacity Building
- Country Donor Atlas
Our Experience
We have seven years experience in:
- Establishment of EU Roadmaps for Donor Harmonization
- ODAmoz - Official Development Assistance to Mozambique Database
- Country Donor Atlas for Mozambique
- ODAnic - Official Development Assistance to Nicaragua Database
- Mapping of EC Environment/Natural Resources Activities in Development Cooperation (2000 – 2006)
- Development of database solutions for the National AIDS Council in Mozambique
Who are we?
Cora Ziegler-Bohr
Economist and Coordinator
LinkedIn Profile
Frank Gottsmann
GIS Manager & Process Manager
LinkedIn Profile
Pascal Ehlert
Database & Software Architect
Homepage & Blog
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Appanna Ganapathy
Database & Web Programmer
LinkedIn Profile
Alexander Bohr
Donor Coordination and Harmonization Specialist
Founder of ODAdata